Food Network Halloween Baking Championship 2020 Contest at foodnetwork.com/halloweenhunt is offering you the chance to win $5,000 every week.
Tune in to Food Network’s Halloween Baking Championship and look for the hidden photo of Carla Hall to enter for a chance to win the Food Network Halloween Baking Championship 2020 Contest.
Food Network Sweepstakes 2020 Details:
- Open only to legal residents of the 50 United States and D.C. who are 21 years of age or older as of the Promotion start date.
- Begins on September 14, 2020 and ends on November 2, 2020.
- Limit of one (1) entry per eligible person, per Entry Period.
- Each Weekly Prize Winner shall win $5,000 presented in the form of a check.
For complete details and official rules, visit www.foodnetwork.com/halloweenhunt.
On one of the baking stations by the raven
picture by the raven and gargoyle
The Beautiful picture of Carla is sitting on a metal table next to a fryer!
On top of microwave next to red curtain
On microwave
Picture is Carla is on top of the microwave.
Picture on rack in front of RIP Gravestone
Definitely on the top shelf of the backing rack.
Picture on top shelf next to ghost figurine
Piture is on the top self of baking rack by the oven
Picture is on top shelf of baking rack by oven
Hootie Hoo I see you. The Beautiful and Talented Mrs Carla is on the top shelf in front of the RIP Tomb Stones, with the Ghosts , Goblin , and Spiderwebs . Y’all stay safe. And I’m loving this show. It is awesome.
Picture on back baking rack in front of RIP tombstones.
Picture on the top right of the metal shelves
Picture is on top shelf of baking rack by oven
Picture is on the baking rack on the top shelf on the right side…
top shelf of the baking rack
Picture is on top shelf of a baking rack.
The picture is on the top shelf of the baking rack